Sentiment deutsch 1 a: an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling: predilection b: a specific view or notion: opinion 2 a: emotion b: refined feeling: delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art c: emotional idealism d: a romantic or nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality 3 a: an idea colored by emotion b.
Sentiment börse bedeutung noun an attitude toward something; regard; opinion. a mental feeling; emotion: a sentiment of pity. refined or tender emotion; manifestation of the higher or more refined feelings. exhibition or manifestation of feeling or sensibility, or appeal to the tender emotions, in literature, art, or music.
Dax-sentiment das Sentiment; Genitiv: des Sentiments, Plural: die Sentiments. → Zur Deklinationstabelle des Substantivs Sentiment.
Sentiment duden sentiment [mental feeling] Gefühl {n} [Emotionalität] sentiment [opinion] Meinung {f} Ansicht {f} [Meinung] sentiment [expression of view] Gedanke {m} sentiment [emotional weakness] Sentimentalität {f} Rührseligkeit {f} cheerful sentiment freundliche Stimmung {f} consumer sentiment Verbraucherstimmung {f} Konsumstimmung {f}econ. economic.
Market sentiment uk / ˈsentɪmənt / us. people's opinions or feelings about a situation, especially the likely future direction of a financial market, the economy, etc.: Analysts and investors said market sentiment for the time being appears positive. Business sentiment is showing signs of recovery.
Sentiment synonym Sentiment definition, an attitude toward something; regard; opinion. See more.
Sentiment index sentiment: [noun] an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling: predilection. a specific view or notion: opinion.
sentiment noun [ C or U ] uk / ˈsentɪmənt / us people's opinions or feelings about a situation, especially the likely future direction of a financial market, the economy, etc.: Analysts and investors said market sentiment for the time being appears positive. Business sentiment is showing signs of recovery.